Investment Banker Salary New York | How Much Does an Investment Banker Make in USA in 2023? – (Updated)


The average salary of an Investment Banker is $113,329 per year in the United States, which is $59,197 (52%) higher than the US national average salary.

While an Investment Banker can expect an average starting salary of $70,997, the highest salaries can be up to $228,500 per year.

However, the Investment Banker’s salary can vary from city to city as well as from company to company. Another factor that can affect how much you earn as an Investment Banker is your level of experience and qualifications.

So let’s look at how much an investment banker can earn in selected locations and companies across the United States in 2023.

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How Much is an Investment Banker Salary in New York in 2023?

The Investment Banker’s average salary in NYC is $150,895 per year, which is $96,763(64%) higher than the US’s national average salary.

An Investment Banker can expect an average starting salary of $72443 per year in New York. The highest salaries can range between $40974 to $73754 per year, with mid-level salaries of about $150,895.

Investment Banker salary NYC

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How Much is an Investment Banker Salary in California in 2023?

The average salary for an Investment Banker is $77,209 per year in California, which is $23,077 (approximately 30%) higher than the US’s national average salary.

While an Investment Banker can expect an average starting salary of $47,470 per year in California, the highest salaries can go up to $165,190.

investment banker salary California

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How Much is an Investment Banker Salary in Texas in 2023?

The average salary for Investment Bankers is $136,144 per year in Texas, which is $82,012 (60%) higher than the US national average salary.

An Investment Banker can earn an average starting salary of $68967 per year in Texas. The highest salaries can go up to $238,140 per year.

investment banker salary texas

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How Much is an Investment Banker Salary at Goldman Sachs in 2023?

Investment banker salary at Goldman Sachs is pretty high when compared to the national average. Junior Investment bankers at Goldman Sachs expect to earn up to $110,000 annual base salary.

Those with more years of experience earn up to $147,000, and executive directors earn up to $200k per year. Goldman Sachs is one of the leading companies in Finance. So we quite understand why their salaries could be pretty high.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Investment Banker Salary in New York

How Much are Investment Bankers Paid in New York?

The average salary for an Investment Banker is $150,895 per year in NY, which is $96,763 (64%) higher than the US’s national average salary.

An Investment Banker can expect an average starting salary of $72,443 per year in New York. The highest salaries can range between $40,974 to $73,754 per year, with mid-level salaries of about $150,895.

How Much Does an Entry Level Investment Banker Make in NYC?

An Investment Banker can expect an average starting salary of $72,443 per year in New York. The base salary for a first-year analyst at a large, top-tier investment bank in New York City was raised to $110,000.

Do Investment Bankers Make Good Money?

Yes, Investment Bankers are one of the top earners in finance, making up to $110,000 a year in top-tier investment companies at entry level and over $400k at senior levels.

However, this pay depends on the banker’s location, the company they work for, as well as their performance and qualifications.

How Much Do Investment Bankers in Manhattan Make?

The average annual pay for an Entry Level Investment Banker in Manhattan is $72,443 a year as of Nov 7, 2022. A simple salary calculation works out to be approximately $34.83 an hour.

This is the equivalent of $1,393/week or $6,036/month. However, entry-level Investment Bankers make up to $40,974, those in mid-level make around $72,443, while senior-level investment bankers earn up to $109,265 per year.

investment bankers’ salary in Manhattan

How Much Sleep Do Bankers Get?

Finance professionals are likely to have less than six and five hours of sleep each night.

A recent survey of first-year analysts at Goldman Sachs showed that they work on average more than 95 hours per week and sleep around 5 hours each night.

How Much are Investment Bankers Paid in New York?

The average salary for an Investment Banker is $150,895 per year in NY, which is $96,763 (64%) higher than the US’s national average salary.

An Investment Banker can expect an average starting salary of $72,443 per year in New York. The highest salaries can range between $40,974 to $73,754 per year, with mid-level salaries of about $150,895.

How Much Does an Entry Level Investment Banker Make in NYC?

An Investment Banker can expect an average starting salary of $72,443 per year in New York. The base salary for a first-year analyst at a large, top-tier investment bank in New York City was raised to $110,000.

Do Investment Bankers Make Good Money?

Yes, Investment Bankers are one of the top earners in finance, making up to $110,000 a year in top-tier investment companies at entry level and over $400k at senior levels.

However, this pay depends on the banker’s location, the company they work for, as well as their performance and qualifications.

How Much Do Investment Bankers in Manhattan Make?

The average annual pay for an Entry Level Investment Banker in Manhattan is $72,443 a year as of Nov 7, 2022. A simple salary calculation works out to be approximately $34.83 an hour.

This is the equivalent of $1,393/week or $6,036/month. However, entry-level Investment Bankers make up to $40,974, those in mid-level make around $72,443, while senior-level investment bankers earn up to $109,265 per year.

How Much Sleep Do Bankers Get?

Finance professionals are likely to have less than six and five hours of sleep each night.

A recent survey of first-year analysts at Goldman Sachs showed that they work on average more than 95 hours per week and sleep around 5 hours each night.


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